Feel free to contact us!
We realize that we make some bolt promises, but we do so with confidence. Our references proof our success! It would be a pleasure to investigate whether a Clean drum filter would be a good investment for your swimming pool.
If you send us some key information, we can make a quick estimate of the possibilities. If those are of interest to you, we can refine the analysis and come to a complete proposal. The initial key inputs include:
- Description of your facility (number of polls, year of construction, state of maintenance and wear & tear)
- Circulation capacity
- Type and capacity of sand filter installed, filter surface and speed, age of sand medium (or other filter medium), number of back washes per week
- Other equipment like UF/RO, Heat Recovery, etc
- Water consumption
- Number of visitors
Cleardrum B.V.
3708DM Zeist Graaf Lodewijklaan 11c
+3130 7671 051
KvK 63095874 Utrecht